Re: A86: Re: EII


Re: A86: Re: EII

Windows 1.0 fits on 2 150k floppies and runs fine with 640k...  I have it!
It has a printed list price of $499 and I got it for $.50 at a garage saale
in perfect condition...  Get it?  ISN'T User friendly.  The first version
of windows didn't have you using a mosue...  most people think pc's were
the first to have mice...  :P

>And they didn't, until Windoze came and sucked it all up...
>At 01:12 PM 6/16/98 EDT, you wrote:
>>>As I've said before and still support, there is no need
>>>for more than 512k of memory. As far as I know there isn't
>>>a single calculator program over 40k...
>>I don't remember the exact quote, but in 1986 Bill Gates said that no
>>computer user would ever need more than 640k of RAM.
>>Justin Bosch
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>// David Phillips
>// ICQ: 13811951
>// AIM: electrum32

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