Re: A86: FRAC


Re: A86: FRAC

or, you could easily write your own routine. use the >FRAC call i posted
(its on Matt's page). if OP2 = 1, then display _OP1 only. otherwise,
push OP2, display OP1, display a slash, pop OP2 into OP1, display OP1,
now there is a fraction displayed. in code (these are my own mnemonics,
they probably differ from TI's or other peoples, u can figure out what
they mean though):

	;OP1 = number to show
	call _to_frac
	call _cp_op2_to_1
	jr z,not_frac
	call _push_op2
	call _disp_op1
	ld a,'/'
	call _putc
	call _pop_op1
	call _disp_op1
	jr is_frac
	call _disp_op1
	;... other code

(test this, it might not work quite right)	

Trey Jazz wrote:
> >Do you mean just display OP1? There is a rom call called _dispOP1, a list
> no....he meant to display OP1's value as a fraction like if OP1 = .75 it
> would display 3/4.


=                                   =
=   Kirk Meyer (   =
= =
=                                   =
=   "Set your affection on things   =
=    above, not on things on the    =
=      earth."  Colossians 3:2      =
=                                   =
