A86: Please accept my apologie...


A86: Please accept my apologie...

Dear ticalc.org mailing list subscribers:

    I am truly sorry for what I have done and realize that my actions were wrong.  Please do not kick me off the list since it greatly helps in my knowledge for assembly.  I am really sorry and hope this has not caused an inconvenience.  You see, I needed the money to start a real ti-8x site to help others and me out.  I have terminated my account at www.cyberthrill.com and wish to forget about what has happened and that I will never do it again.  I will soon have a real site coming up...please forgive me.  I am not on aol, I am not 10 either, I am just broke and needed some $$$ for support on a real site.  Please forgive me...

Thank you,
    Kyle Anderson