Re: A86: BG v1.0 grayscale converter is out !


Re: A86: BG v1.0 grayscale converter is out !

Matt2000 wrote:
> >> A new color game boy is being designed also, anyone ever heard of that?
> >
> >Yes, and they JUST released it... 3 years ago.
> Let me remind you the the B/W Gameboy and the Game Gear are made by
> different companies. Nintendo never released
> a color portable system, the color gameboy with have propietiery LCD
> technology that is low power color, 52 colors in a
> range of 16,000 (I think)
> Later,
>     Matt

Yeah, the new CGB will be the same general size and shape of the
original GB. It will be able to play the current GB games in 12 color
and the new games in 52 color. There are some press releases on the net,
but Nintendo hasn't released any info themselves.

