Re: A86: The shell (in general)...


Re: A86: The shell (in general)...

Kyle Anderson wrote:

> I think the icons should be the type of program it is, i.e:
> [U]  Ballloons <--Name of program
>  ^--The icon, the "U" being the type of prog (Usgard), Z(z-shell),
> etc...

I have been considering that.

> For the shell name:
> 1.  HotOS - Hot Operation Shell
> 2.  OS-86 - Operating Shell 86, like the 85's
> 3.  Wasm86 - Windows(based-on) Asm 86
> 4.  ZOS - Z80 OS
> 5.  t.o.s - The Operating Shell or TI Operating Shell
> 6.  86 Central


> You should have something like when you press [2nd][2nd] or [2nd] 3
> times, your calc pauses what you are doing, and shuts off, or goes to
> a
> screen with math eqations on it, like a teacher button.

Actually, I am going to add certain features, mostly for security and
convenience, that allow the shell to do special things when certain
things happen.  This information will remain confidential for now,

> You should also make a feature where you run a prog that you make, and
> when you exit, it locks up all of the buttons so you can't do
> anything...for example:
> (This locks up the feature: [2nd][CUSTOM], so you run it, it says
> done,
> and you can't press [2nd][CUSTOM] it is locked until you press
> exit.
> #include ""
> .org _asm_exec_ram
>     push hl
>     ld l, 200
>     ld a, 0
>     ld h, 0
>     call $05D0
>     pop hl
> .end

I've looked at that code at ROM Central (Optic2000's page--great job,
Matt!).  What I need to know is how it works.  Can you, or anyone else,
provide any help??

> -Kyle Anderson
> -<>

