Re: A86: System memory


Re: A86: System memory

At 09:41 1998-02-25 +0100, you wrote:
>Can I use system memory area (start address at 0C000h) to store some
>programs data (graph buffers for example) ?


>If not, what is stored in this area ?

Systemvariables. Check out

>What is its end address ?

$C000-$D747 contains system variables.
$D748-$FBFF is for assembly programs AND the stack.
$FC00-$FFFF video memory.

>There are floating point stack and operator stack on the RAM page 1.
>Where are stack pointers of them. If I'm not using floating point
>calculations in asm program, can I
>use all this RAM page to store my data ?

Yup! It seems so anyway. It's probably used whenever you call any
math routines, and used by the calc when calculating stuff. I wiped
the whole page out in a program, and I haven't seen any problems.
16k to play with :-)

You might accidently switch to another RAM page when dealing
with external variables. There are two rom calls to set the RAM page
to 1 and 7: (from

_RAM_PAGE_1     equ    47E3h
_RAM_PAGE_7     equ    47F3h

All registers preserved.

Real name: Jimmy Mårdell                 
IRC......: Yarin                         
Email....:      <-- NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!!
