Re: A86: Sq. Rt. of -1..... i


Re: A86: Sq. Rt. of -1..... i

There's really no reason to do that.  If you want, you can make a variable
called "I" that has value (0,1) and then you can type 3+4I all you want, but in
terms of efficiency, the orered pair format is much better.  It already has
parentesis, you don't need another special key (or need to push 2nd or alpha and
a key), and when written in polar format, it's easier to read and write (as
opposed to 5e^(0.6i), which can't even be written in degrees).

DoubleGate wrote:

> To all,
>     I've known for a long time that the 83's have had the i variable built
> into them, and in fact, they also give you an answer like 3+2i..  Now my
> question is, why doesn't the 86?  Are there any good BASIC or Assem programs
> which simulate the type of behavior found on the 83?  This would help a lot
> of us out who are still in Pre-Calc / Trig..
> Thanks,
> Luke

Stephen Hicks
