Re: A86: Assembly Studio 86


Re: A86: Assembly Studio 86 wrote on Thu, 05 Feb 1998 18:52:48 -0600:
> >Jeremy Goetsch wrote:
> >
> >> I just finished writing an assembly editor/assembler for Win 95. It
> includes
> >> a sprite editor and a built-in assembler that outputs .86p format files. It
> >> also has a help file I've been writing explaining many aspects of assembly
> >> programming and a description of each Z80 instruction and many ROM calls.
> >> Context-sensitive help in the editor allows you to press F1 on an
> >> instruction to recieve help on it.
> >>
> >> I'll release the first version probably within a few days, so stay tuned.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> - Jeremy G.

Nice editor/assembler, but the first program that I wrote didn't work
with it:

Taking Trent Lillehaugen's Key Input example & altering it so that the
program does not exit until EXIT is pressed, I found that it looped
endlessly if compiled in Assembly Studio but worked fine with
winasm86. - It appears that the "cp" instruction always sets the zero
bit. - either that or "jp z,..." doesn't test the zero bit properly.

Highlighting the text would be nice, but a simple macro recorder /
player would probably be more useful.  It would also be very nice to
be able to pass a file to it as an argument (eg. double-click a file
to load it).  I would also like some more hotkeys (ie. Replace,
Compile) and perhaps the ability to load an external emulator? 
Another feature I would like is the automatic replacing of leading
spaces with tabs.


I do like the sprite editor & the help!

BTW. I don't suppose that there is a way to send an argument to

Thankyou, AJD

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Anthony J. Doggett                     |            | |
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Life is what you make of it.
