Re: A86: Program flow


Re: A86: Program flow wrote:
>  ......
> keyloop
>   some code for getting a string
> How do I return from the key loop to where I left off in the code?  Does the
> ret function do this, or that only to quit to the TI-OS?  I will need to call
> the getstring function from many different places in my program, so I can't
> just use a jump.  This is probably an easy question, so I hope I'm not making

  Use a call instead of a jp.
  Then, at the end of keyloop put a ret. A call puts in the stack (push)
  the address of the instrution right after the call and jumps to the
  indicated as a parameter tothe call. A ret gets (pop) a value from the
  stack and jumps to it.
  So, as an example, the sequence:

     ld    a, 1
     call  ld_a_0
     ld    b, 1
     ld    a, 0

  actually executes as if it where:

     ld    a, 1
     ld    a, 0
     ld    b, 1

  Any question?

  NSJ aka Viriato - DemoAdict/TaradoPorDemos
