Re: A86: Variables...


Re: A86: Variables...

In a message dated 98-08-27 21:19:11 EDT, you write:

<< In my program, I use this to store initials:
 	.db $47,$46,$58
 (Initials: GFX)
 Then if you get a hi score, you input your initials with a routine i wrote,
 and then it stores the new numbers into the  .db   thing.  When you go to the
 high score thing it loads hl with the first intial, and displays all three
 correctly.  When I quit the program and run it again, the initials are
 back to GFX...   I know i didn't reset them each time it is run.  
 Does anyone know why this would happen?
 The same thing happens with a high score, it is set, but when the program is
 closed and opened again, it is set back to zero..
I think it always rests the hi score name because you have the HiNitial rest
bak to "GFX" all the time.  Try changing it to this and see if it works.

 	.db $00

I can't garuantee that will work but its worth a shot if you haven't tried
that already.
