A86: Re: slow down sprite


A86: Re: slow down sprite

Try inserting a few halt statements, or a loop, i.e.

 push bc
 ld b, 10
 djnz HaltLoop
 pop bc

That should provide enough slowdown, decrease the number when
extra speed is needed

>How would I slow down this sprite?  I have figured out most of what I need
>know by myself.  Thank you to all of you who have helped me before.  I just
>need to know, how would I slow down a sprite that falls down on the screen.
>have a little game going that a bug drops and the monster on the bottom
>to eat it.  I haven't made the eating part yet, but I will as soon as I
>it out.  Here is the little part that I have:
> push hl
> push bc
> ld b,15
> ld a,(NUM)
> ld c,a
> ld hl,Bug
> call FastSprite
> ld a,(NUM)
> inc a
> ld (NUM),a
> call FastSprite
> pop bc
> pop hl
> jp Main_Prog
>NUM is the place of the Bug.  Right now, it goes down on the screen faster
>that you could ever imagine.  Please help.
>P.S.-If this is not enough or if you would like to know all of what I have
>you can help me with the eating, keeping score, etc., email me at