Re: A86: ROM Dump


Re: A86: ROM Dump

Thanks for the help, but I found the site you recommended on my own before I
got your message.

Chicane wrote:

> At 05:21 PM 8/17/98 -0700, you wrote:
> >
> >Does anyone know where I could find a TI-86 ROM dumper that is
> >compatible with home-built parallel links?  There are plenty out there
> >on the net that use the serial ports, but I haven't found a single one
> >for the parallel port.
> Absolutely! First, If you have a 1.2 or 1.3 ROM calculator, Visit
>  this page has a downloadable rom image. Make
> sure you have your calc handy tho, becuse you have to go through a
> verification process. You can also download a dis-assembled **commented**
> 1.2 ROM there.
> If you have a 1.4 ROM, then you will have to do it manually. The attached
> zip has everything you need.
> First put ROM86.86p on your calc. Then run dumpxp.exe with the syntax given
> in the readme file for a ti86 ROM.
> If you have any other problems, you can mail me personally at
>, and i will be glad to help you out in any way that i
> can. You can also mail the list, which i check at least 5 times daily.
> Later,
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                      Name:
>       Type: Download File (application/x-zip-compressed)
>                  Encoding: base64
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ICQ: #14727618
> chicane on EFNET #ti
> Homepage: Under Construction.
