Re: A86: help with game


Re: A86: help with game wrote:
> I am having trouble with this program.

We've all been there.  Ok, I revamped your code almost completely.  I switched out
the PutSprite routine with my FastSprite routine.  (I'm bragging now)  I replaced 
PutSprite cuz my routine is smaller (probably faster but I haven't checked) and 
commented for newbies like yourself.  Also my routine xor's the sprite to the if you call the routine a second time it will erase the sprite.  Read all my 

#include "asm86.h"
#include ""		; I took out the other 2 because they weren't needed

.org _asm_exec_ram

	call _clrScrn
        call _runindicoff
        ld b,25
        ld c,25
        ld hl,PIC
        call FastSprite
        push bc
        push hl
        call GET_KEY		; this was the main problem causer.  Getkey was
				; destroying your registers.  Fixed via push/pop.
        pop hl
        pop bc
        cp K_EXIT
        ret z
        cp K_LEFT
        jp z,LEFT
        cp K_RIGHT
        jp z,RIGHT
        jp Main_Prog

        call FastSprite		; first called to erase pic from old coords
        dec b			; modify coords
        call FastSprite		; disp the sprite in it' new position
        jp Main_Prog		; do it again

        call FastSprite        
        inc b
        call FastSprite
        jp Main_Prog

        .db %00111100
        .db %01000010
        .db %00111100
        .db %00011000
        .db %01111110
        .db %00011000
        .db %00100100
        .db %01000010
;Input: Sprite in (HL), (b,c)            |
;Output: Sprite xor'ed onto the screen   |
;Destroyed: none                         |
        push af
        push bc
        push de
        push ix
        push hl
        push hl                 ;\
        pop ix                  ; > hl -> ix
        ld hl, FSByte           ;> point to Tempbyte
        ld (hl), c              ;> put c into Byte for later use
        ld a, b
        rrca                    ;\
        rrca                    ; > divide x by 8 in accumulator
        rrca                    ;/                      
        rld                     ;> Rotate left 4 bytes  
        or $FC                  ;> add a and $FC
        ld l, (hl)              ;\
        ld h, a                 ; > buncha loading going on
        ld a, b                 ;/
        and 7                   ;> mask out the shift number
        ld d, a                 ;> save the shift number
        ld e, 8
        ld a, (ix)              ;> get sprite data
        ld b, a
        inc ix                  ;> point to new sprite data byte
        ld c, 0                 ;> clear c for shift use
        ld a, d                 ;> restore shift # for use
        cp 0
        jp z, NoShift
        ld a, b
        ld b, d
        srl a                   ;\
        rr c                    ; \
        dec b                   ;  > shift until b < 0
        jp z, Shiftend          ; /
        jp FSShift              ;/
        ld a, b
        xor (hl)                ;> mix the shifted sprite w/screen
        ld (hl), a              ;> and draw it to the screen
        inc hl                  ;> hl points to next screen byte
        ld a, c                 ;> accumulate the remaining shifted data
        xor (hl)                ;> mix 'em
        ld (hl), a              ;> draw it
        ld a, 15                ;\
        add a, l                ; \
        ld l, a                 ;  > Inc the <HL> 1 y value.
        jp nc, FSNoinc          ; /
        inc h                   ;/
        dec e                   ; >check if loop is finished
        jp nz, FSLoop           ;/
        pop hl                  ;\
        pop ix                  ; \
        pop de                  ;  > mmmpop boop be doop mmmpop
        pop bc                  ; /  
        pop af                  ;/
FSByte: .db $00

> P.S.-If you answer this now, I will probably not have another question for a
> long time.

That's ok, it's what we're here for.  Bring'em on.


Your welcome. =)

Tercero	 --  Email:

"The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone;"
			--Psalms 118:22
"Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces,
but he on whom it falls will be crushed."
			--Luke 20:18
