Re: A86: Sorry Dux. =-|


Re: A86: Sorry Dux. =-|


-Phelan 'Amen' Wolf
Tercero wrote:

> Kirk Meyer wrote:
> > hm... if you used ld h,a and ld l,a you would save one byte instead of
> > using ld hl,$0000... but it might take an extra clock cycle.
> Thanx.  Nope two ticks and one byte less!
> > could use jr instead of jp depending on whether you want size or speed.
> Speed...I'm all for speed.  (Come on, it's got 98k)
> > and the last instruction should be "ret" since the Z flag will always be
> > set.
> I forgot to take out the z after ret because I was demonstrating
> to my brother the changes I had made.
> > (i mean, since we're nitpicking, i thought i'd get in my 2 cents
> > worth :)
> Russian Peasant's Algorithm:
> made by Dux Gregis
> modified and renamed by Tim Farrell
> nitpicked by Kirk Meyer
> ;African Swallow Algorithm_________________________
> ;Input: de * b                                    |
> ;Output: hl                                       |
> ;Destroys: af, b, de, hl                          |
> ;Size: 15 bytes                                   |
> ;--------------------------------------------------
> ASMult:
>         xor a           ;stylish way to clear a
>         ld h, a         ;Kirk Meyer's good
>         ld l, a         ;suggestion
> ASMultLp:
>         srl b           ;check bit
>         jp nc, ASkipadd ;if bit = 1 then hl + de
>         add hl, de      ;add'm up
> ASkipadd:
>         add hl, hl      ;mult hl by 2

sla hl        ;if possible, don't know if faster

>         jp nz, ASMultLp ;if b != 0 then keep going
>         ret             ;ret
> --
> Tercero  --  Email:
> "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone;"
>                         --Psalms 118:22
> "Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces,
> but he on whom it falls will be crushed."
>                         --Luke 20:18

Follow-Ups: References: