Re: A86: Useful Information


Re: A86: Useful Information

They could be helpful to people wondering how to time an interrupt routine
perfect, or figuring out the instructions per cycle, then the time for each
cycle...  I don't know...  You could yse them for anything!  :)


>thanks...  this could be helpful, but i don't see how this could help with asm
>programming... (although it might be neat to add them to the conv menu, even
>though they're prefixes, say you wanted to convert Gm (gigameters) to
>micromiles (not that you ever would, but there are things that aren't in the
>CONV menu that are used), you could do 1 m->mi Giga->micro...)
>Grant Stockly wrote:
>> Hello.  I compilied a list of common abbreaviations for you guys...  I had
>> some questions about the negitive incriments.  I hope you save this and
>> find it useful!
>> Grant
>> 10^18   exa     E
>> 10^15   pecta   P       (I know, I've heard "peta" too)
>> 10^12   tera    T
>> 10^9    giga    G       (first 'g' as in "gigantic" believe it or not)
>> 10^6    mega    M
>> 10^3    kilo    k       (note lowercase from here down)
>> 10^2    hecto   h       (not used much)
>> 10^1    deca    da
>> 10^-1   deci    d
>> 10^-2   centi   c
>> 10^-3   milli   m
>> 10^-6   micro   (greek mu)
>> 10^-9   nano    n
>> 10^-12  pico    p
>> 10^-15  femto   f
>> 10^-18  atto    a
>> s       second  (time)
>> S       siemens (conductance)
>Stephen Hicks