Re: A86: SLP


Re: A86: SLP

I don't know if there is any difference between the way a calc sends variables to the
homescreen or to the recieve state... probably not.  But if you sent the program as soon
as the link state is entered, you run the risk of not having both calculators ready.  The
best way to conceal a virus is to send it beside the other sent variables... without any
consideration as to what state the recieving calc may be in.

Butler Family wrote:

> or send it using SLP whle the people are selecting the stuff they want to send.
> nevermind i guess they would have to have it in homescreen.  maybne there is a way to
> get it to go into homescreen who knows. . .
> Patrick
> Dux Gregis wrote:
> > Butler Family wrote:
> >
> > > oh $#|t, I thought that there was a (sqrt)link interrupt and i finally looked at
> > > my old messages but i guess not i thought there was some link interrupt maybe not
> > > a sqrt interrupt but the original user interrupt type (where you copy it into a
> > > certain place in memory)
> >
> > _slink is like that, but it seems to be run, only by the recieving calc.  I've been
> > thinking about using [sqrt]KEY to send a virus out the linkport, and it's very
> > possible.  You could check the calc state for the link state, and then add the
> > [sqrt]KEY program (which presumably contains the virus) to the list of selected
> > variables.  All you would have to do is figure out how the calc marks a selected
> > program... then let the calc itself send the virus.

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