Re: A86: Tamagotchi?


Re: A86: Tamagotchi?

Well, I'm no ASM guru ok but this is not going to work for a few reasons:  

1) The program wouldn't be constantly running.  Unless that was all you used
it for.
2) If it was constantly running you'd have to replace your batteries a hell
of a lot.
3) Why would I want to sit 'feeding' my calculator? 

> Eli.Hunt. wrote:
>  > 
>  > My little brother recently borrowed a friends tamagotchi, and I kinda
>  > thought it would be neat to have this on a calc, or something similar.
>  > Unfortunatly I don't know asm enough yet to program it in that myself,
>  > so I tried basic. After relizing drawing a single pic and changing it
>  > about 1k, I decided that wouldn't work. So I was kinda wondering if any
>  > you asm guru's might be up to the challenge? Just an idea I'm throwing
>  > and I just joined the list, so if this has been discussed before please
>  > don't flame. Thanks.
>  What is a tamagotchi?
>  Stan
