Re: A86: screen stuff


Re: A86: screen stuff

Robby Gutmann wrote:
> ok, im working on my first game (Tic Tac Toe, if anybody cares), and im
> testing it, and im sick of having to go to the graph menu every time to
> cleardraw.  is there anyway to do this in asm?  i know _clrLCD doesnt,
> because i have a call to it right before my ret, and it is still in the
> graoh screen.  i was thinking that maybe clrscrn did, but there was another
> thred (graphic memory questions) that said that it didnt.  so how do i clear
> the drawing scrren, as well as the home screen?  thanx.

have you tried a djnz loop that loads a 0 into all the graph screen
