Re: A86: Two questions


Re: A86: Two questions

>2. What's with this C++ compiler demo program? (basic program that 
>a bunch of PICs) Is it just some kind of a joke, or what?

Yeah, I've been wondering about that one too.  It sure as hell doesn't 
look like it's written in ASM (I mean, projected size of 50k, and just 
plain looking hard to write in ASM).  I'm guessing that this MUST be a 

On the topic of "compilers", I've always wondered why no one has ever 
really thought of this approach (AFIK) to writing a "real" ASM compiler 
for the 86.

Remember the old ASM compiler on the 85?  You had to type in all those 
memory addresses backwards and all that.  Why doesn't someone make a 
program that converts from "normal" ASM to what AsmComp( would 
recognize.  I realize making a full fledged parsing engine in ASM is 
rather difficult, but obviously a helluva lot easier to do than writing 
a FULL FLEDGED compiler (I had a conversation/argument with someone on 
IRC about this, and his idea was to have an editor, and you'd have to 
select keywords via a menu, etc.  The "compiled" programs would still 
have to be run via an engine).

Well, just an idea :)

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