A86: On Interrupt Questions


A86: On Interrupt Questions

I am attempting to use the following code in a program to turn the
calculator off:

	ld 	a,%00000001
       	out 	(3),a
	res 	onInterrupt,(iy+onflags)

but when I run the program and press On to turn the calc back on, it
turns on sometimes, but other times the calc stays off. I usually have
to press On 3 or 4 times before I can get it to power on again. Could
someone show me how to fix this problem?

Also, is there a difference between
     	in 	a,(3)
	bit	3,a
	jr	z,on_pressed
	bit	4,(iy+9)
	jr	nz,on_pressed

if anyone can answer these questions it would be very helpful.

wil mahan
icq #4641865

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