A86: Re: programming question


A86: Re: programming question

> P.S. How did you fix it?

I ended up looking at the duckhunt source code, since I've been using that
to learn assembly from. I forgot some stuff at the beginning like the nop
thing (I don't know what it does, but it worked).

 I do have another question though. I'm trying to display a title screen
for my game I'm working on. I can't figure out how to pause the thing after
I display it. 

>(i.e. like if you are doing some sort of ldir to the

Yes this is what I am doing. I just don't know how to do a pause type of
routine so the person can view the title screen. 

Sorry about earlier if I seemed rude. I didn't mean to be. Like I said, I
am impatient and was trying to get as much done on my program before my
mother or brother kicked me off of the computer. This time I have to be
patient. It's almost midnight here and I have to wake up early for school

Jeff Zimmerman
