A86: FindPixel in 84 cycles and 19 bytes!


A86: FindPixel in 84 cycles and 19 bytes!

 ; Here it is:  a FindPixel using only 84 clock cycles and 19 bytes!
 ; Call with H = Y coordinate, L = X coordinate
 ; Returns with A = pixel mask, DE = pixel address 

      ld    de,offsetstable
      ld    a,l
      and   7
      add   a,e
      ld    e,a
      adc   a,d
      sub   e
      ld    d,a
      ld    a,(de)              ;48 cycles so far
      set   7,h
      sla   l
      ld    e,(hl)
      inc   hl
      ld    d,(hl)              ;84 cycles total
      .db   128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1

 ; One little inconvenience with this routine is that you must
 ; initialize it first by calling this routine.  The initialization only
 ; needs to be done once at the start of your program, and you can then
 ; forget about it.  Also, you cannot use any memory in $8000-$BFFF.
 ; This routine takes about 1/8 of a second, so it should not be
 ; very noticeable when the program starts.

      ld    hl,$8000
      ld    de,$fc00
      ld    b,8
      ld    (hl),e
      inc   hl
      ld    (hl),d
      inc   hl
      djnz  loop_store_addr
      inc   de
      ld    a,d
      or    e
      jr    nz,loop_calc_pixels

 ; I'm not really sure if there is any use in this particular routine,
 ; but there might be.  Variables which should be initialized with
 ; specific values at the start of the program can be put inside the
 ; program's code, and temporary variables can be put in text memory, so
 ; this thing taking $8000-$BFFF shouldn't be a problem.  If you really
 ; need a fast FindPixel, it might be worth it....


Patrick Davidson (ariwsi@juno.com)
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