Re: A85: a div 6


Re: A85: a div 6

> can anyone give me some z80 asm for getting the integer division of
> a deivided by 6???
> quick, hackiest thing you can think of.
> im stumped.  there should be a way to do this, but i cant find it. 
> the only way i can think of would be to take a-6 and inc until a-6<0,
> then dont inc and you are done.  this would suck bad, but i may have
> to use it.

There is a routine in the calculator's ROM which does integer division
rather quickly.  I'm not sure if it's a good thing to use if you have
an 8-bit divisor, but in general it looks very efficient to me.  To use
it, you call UNPACK_HL+2 with HL being the dividend and C holding the
divisor.  It returns the quotient in HL and the remainder in A.  It
works with any unsigned integers.  To divide A by 6:

	ld	l,a
	ld	h,0
	ld	c,6
	call	UNPACK_HL+2
	ld	a,l		;If you really need result in A
