A85: The Usgard School


A85: The Usgard School

FINALLY my new homepage is up and with it

   _T_H_E_   _U_S_G_A_R_D_  _S_C_H_O_O_L_

It doesn't differ very much from the ZShell school,
except at the end, very #fncall is used for different
things, like grayscale & sprites.

Both school (Zshell & Usgard) are permanently closed
though, ie, nore more lessons ever.

Real name: Jimmy Mårdell                "can't go mucking with a 'void *'"
IRC......: Yarin                                // Apple's MPW C compiler
Email....: mailto:yarin@acc.umu.se        
Homepage.: http://www.acc.umu.se/~yarin/   <-- NEW HOMEPAGE!!
