Re: A85: Role Playing Games for the TI85


Re: A85: Role Playing Games for the TI85

I made a TI-BASIC game for the 85 called Quest for Dragon Eye.  You can
find it on  I have a newer version and should probably post
it up.  I'm working on a compiler for ZShell at the moment and I need all
the asm routines i can get, and as optimized as possible.  That means no
calling built in functions like the square root. It's decent for the
average user but it is definitely as optimized as it should be.  I
actually don't need a square root asm function, just things like
dividing, multiplying, how to handle decimals, etc. and i can make one of
my own. I don't want to waste my time figuring out all this code when
there are better asm programmers out there that can make better optimized
programs and get them out faster than i can write an unsubscribe e-mail.


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