Re: A85: asm knowledge


Re: A85: asm knowledge

ABUSE IT!! That's putting it mildly!!  the on day I had 100 e-mail's from
this list alone and from the ASM 82 list I had like 200!!!  It does get
really tiring having to get through my e-mails mostly not reading any!  And I
am not one of the "knowledgable people" on this list. wrote:

>         I was just wondering where all of the knowledgable people on this
> list get there knowledge on asm programming.  Could one of the smart ones
> please inform me.  Is it from free literature that Zilog isn't sending me
> or is it from this email list before people started to abuse it?  I would
> really appreciate it because I want to be one of the smart ones.
>                                         - Mike
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   /   \  |            /  \        |\    |      Name: Sean Creasy
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       \  |         / CREASY \     |   \ |
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