Re: A85: How do you...


Re: A85: How do you...

At 05:01 PM 11/17/97 -0500, you wrote:
>2. How to exit directly to the TI-OS and save the current
>settings (a savegame/teacher key)

Well, it depends on which OS you're using.  In Z-Shell:

ZS_BITS		=$8C40	; bit 0 set : checksum again
                        ; bit 1 set : get out without screen

Means set bit 1 if you want to warp directly to TI-OS (and set bit 0 if you
want to update the checksum).

>3. How to save/recall high scores

Okay, first, allocate some space at the end of your program (you have to
store your permenant variables there, so they don't get changed), like so:

.db 0		; start the score at 0

Then, to load it:

ld	a, (&MyHighScore)	; for usgard


ld	hl, MyHighScore
add	hl, de
ld	a, (hl)		; for everything else

To save, switch the last load...
