Re: A85: Re: Compiler


Re: A85: Re: Compiler

The TI85 has a build in text editor ! The program editor can be used for
lots of things, and with the link program for windows it is quite fast to
convert it to a text file.



Dines Justesen
Email: or
WWW  :

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Ben Sferrazza wrote:

> Dines Christy Justesen wrote:
> > 
> > A simpel Z80 assembler could be made for the TI85, and it would probably
> > take up app. 4 KB. However i do not think that writing a program like that
> > is a very good idea, since every time you made a mistake the calc would
> > crash andd all you work would be lost.
> > 
> > Dines
> This maybe true, but another alternative would be a simple text editor
> to allow people to simply "type" in Z80 code while in class for instance
> to pass time and come up with some ideas.  As you mentioned, if you were
> to provide a compiler, it would allow one to crash his calculator and
> lose all the code that was typed in.  Therefore the text editor idea
> would be nothing more than an alternative to jotting ideas down on
> paper.
