Re: A85: Converter


Re: A85: Converter

At 02:52 PM 11/11/97 -0500, Scott N Rowe wrote:
>On Tue, 11 Nov 1997 wrote:
>> > Couldn't there be a way to emulate zshell on the 92?
>> > say only use a 123x62 part of the screen.  This would fix the screen
>> > problem.  A zshell emulator was done for the pc. A TI-92 zshell emulator 
>> > would only be praticle if the size of the emulator program wasn't too
>> > big, (maybe it would be more practicle for the TI-92 plus since it has
>> > more mem). I don't know how one would go about doing this I am not
>> > much of a programer.  Does my idea sound feasible?
>> The reason a TI-85 emulator (ZShell? It emulates the entire 85!) can
>> work on a PC is because a PC is _MUCH_ faster than the calculator.
>> The 92 is only a little faster. Nowhere near the speed difference
>> neccesary for an emulator. Also, buy a spell checker. It's "practical".
>   perhaps there is another way to emulate zshell rather than emulating
>the whole calc.  Say maybe you could make an compiler to convert zshell
>source code to fargo source code (the output code would only display on
>123 x 64 part of the screen in fargo). You can write in c for both the 85
>and 92, then compile in to fargo or zshell using small c or TIC. By the
>way practice what you preach its necessary not neccesary.  

Where exactly did 123 come from?  (The screen is 128x64).  Now, on to the
conversion.  Although converting from Z80 assembly to 68000 aseembly is
probably possible (although not fun), converting all the 85 ROM calls to 92
ROM calls is not possible (without writing custom 68k calls that would be
stored in the program, making it more bloated than it already would be).

Brian Leech
ICQ UIN: 1355611

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