Re: LZ: Shells


Re: LZ: Shells

Jeffrey S. Sharp and Crystal L. Baird wrote:
> Actually, that's gonna have to be kept under wraps for a few
> months--until I get a few more solid modules of code.  Sorry, trade
> secret ;)
<<<I am replying to myself>>>

...But I _guarantee_ that I am not working on a shell! :)

Sure, an open standard would be a nice way to let everyone be a shell
developer, but simplicity is also of great value.

#include <std_disclaimer.h>
#######################################################    J
# Jeffrey Scott Sharp   //  A.K.A. Kyrie Eleison      # SAVESu2
# Crystal Baird        //  #    S
# Mark Sharp          // (F)lamerz will be irradiated #    U
#######################################################    S
# Why is it the Pentium and not the 586?  Intel used  #
# the first prototype to add 100 to 486 and they got  # JSS+CLB  
# ZILCH!                                              # TLA  4E
