Re: LZ: The Expander raffle has started


Re: LZ: The Expander raffle has started

so you don't mind if other people make expanders and sell them to meet the
demand you can't keep up with?" >If so I have a simple expander taht has
one loose connection and no plcc plug that I'd be willing to sell.
everything else (except the chip) is there :)
		Will Stokes

On Wed, 25 Jun 1997, Mel Tsai wrote:

> I have finished about 20 expanders, and they're ready for sale.  To be
> elligible to buy one, you must enter the Expander Raffle, which ends
> this Saturday.  See my webpage for information on how to enter.
> As I've explained before, this raffle was started because there are
> far more people wanting to buy the expander than I have available.
> This is the most democratic way I could think of to decide who gets to
> buy one.
> -Mel
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> -The TI-Memory Expansion Homepage
> -

                               Will Stokes
          /                                                    /|
         /____________________________________________________/ |
        |                                                    |  |
        |                      Will Stokes                   |  |
        |                     |  |
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        |             The TI-85 Calculator Center            |  |
        |   (the website I maintain and update very often)   |  |
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Follow-Ups: References: