Re: LZ: New TI-BASIC Compiler


Re: LZ: New TI-BASIC Compiler

i personally agree with the fact that TI-BASIC would be kinda useless. as
far as developing a c++ compiler for the ti, let's see someone put all
that parsing and tokenizing into 32K of memory with enough of the memory
left to hold the object code and the finished program. Also, remember, no
one is going to use something that takes up 90%  of their memory (ahem
usgard with the fancy shell and all the libs -- i happen to like the small
shell a lot tho)

--<Henry Zektser>--
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On Tue, 17 Jun 1997, Betten wrote:

> Martin,
> 	Why are you interested in programming a compiler for TI-BASIC programs?
> It seems to me that the majority of the people that are subscribed to this
> mailing list are not content to program in TI-BASIC at all and have moved
> on to mainly programming in Z80 assembly language.  I can see that there
> might be some interest from some of the less intelligent TI-85 users in a
> TI-BASIC compiler, but I would advise not putting much effort into it.
> Honestly, I would work on creating or improving a TI-85 C++ compiler,
> because, in my opinion, C++ is a much better computer programming language
> than BASIC.  If you would be interested in coding a C++ compiler for the
> TI-85 then I would be interested in lending some help to the project.
> 					Sincerely,
> 					Steven Betten
> 					<>
> 					<>
