LZ:Some Questions


LZ:Some Questions

I have 2 questions:

Where can I get a Z80 disassembler???
Can somebody send me one of these ROM ver.(they don't have to be 
disasembled): 3.0A, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0(All ROM ver except 9.0, that's 
what I have)??  I can send you a ZShell program that will copy a 16K 
part of the ROM at a time(first $0000-3FFF, then each of the 8 pages) 
and this entire package can be sent to me.  I am going to see if I can 
find some of the routines that are in TI-ROM.txt but are only for 3.0A 
and find them for all the other routines.  I also will look for new 

If I can get these things it would be a big help.

Matt Butch

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