Re: A85: My problem with libraries


Re: A85: My problem with libraries

Included in the PhatOS zip file is a bare zshell type shell. It is 700
bytes and does the basic zshell 4 stuff, nothing more.

John Koch wrote:
> Yo, I don't think we should be dissing any shells, personally I like
> them all, they all have qualiteies I like and don't like.  Bad thing is,
> all teh games are being made for UsGard only.  There are so many
> different versions of it and certain games only work on certain
> versions.  ANother thing is, most of the time I'm missing a library that
> I need and I have no idea what error, library so and so not found.  The
> games should include current versions of the libraries it requires.
> Another big problem is, all these libraries, for us poor people who
> can't afford to put expanders in our calcs, we can only have like 4-5
> games at most on our calc.  I was looking through all the lists of games
> and I only found 4 I liked, but they all needed different libraires and
> I couldn't fit all those games!  I for some reason can't even get Sqrxz
> to work, and I wanna see what's so cool about teh new version, the other
> versions were cool! Is there anyway to make the libraries less space
> consuming?  I was also wondering, what is the smallest size possible for
> a shell to be, only inculding the bare esencials!  Doesn't need
> contrast, If I could get a shell that was 400 bytes, I would use it!
> Just wondering!
> John
