Re: LZ: power off


Re: LZ: power off

On Fri, 27 Sep 1996, KEITH T BURZINSKI wrote:

> [nonsense removed for obvious reasons]
> ALRIGHT!  Enough.  Here is the routine I use in Key Code Lock 85:
> ~~~~~~~~
> PowerDown:
> 	DI
> 	ld  a,00000001b
> 	out (3),a
> ;           76543210
> 	ld  a,00000000
> ;              ||||
> ;              ||++---Low Resistance
> ;              ++---- 10 Byte Buffer

BTW. what does the buffer width mean? And why isn't the freeze (bit 0) set?
(and what the hell is it?)

> Alright?  There.  That THROUGHLY shuts off the calc.  Screen off, low 
> power mode, everything.

Thank you very much.

> ~Keith

PS. You wouldn't by any chance know the port 6's bit's functions, would you?
