Re: LZ: cassette tapes


Re: LZ: cassette tapes

On Sun, 8 Sep 1996 wrote:

> On Sun, 08 Sep 1996 19:21:11 EDT (Brian E Mansell)
> writes:
> >Well i know the old commodore 64's had a drive known as the datasette. 
> >It probably had a capacity of around 80k per tape.. but if that was to 
> >be harnessed by the ti, there could be big change. Right now i'm 
> >looking into working on a link between ti's and hp's, and a possible 
> >backup ram connection. However i'm not that knowledgable about this 
> >stuff.
> I see a problem with this.  Walkmans and tape players aren't allowed at
> my school, and I'm sure they aren't allowed at many other schools.

who says you have to do any of this at school, what about after school, on
your own????

Andy Haninger                 
aka &y               
