LZ: Mike Jan WTF is going on?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


LZ: Mike Jan WTF is going on?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

       "ZShell Community",

  This is your faithfull friend Brian (DeLorean) again. in case you have a
short attention span or are just a moron, i was the guy who bought Jans rt
links (so who am i to judge about being a moron?). Well... UPDATE, i have
been calling his house for a while, and keep getting his mom, who speaks
little english, i guess he was in Taiwan for the summer, and he just got
home about a week ago. well, i talked to him! yes i actually talked to him.
ok, let me get to the point, he told me he sent my money order back and he
said he NEVER cashed it either. as you all know i never got the money order
back, so i went down to the place i got the money order, and i wanted to
find out if it was cashed. they said it cost 10$!!, well i did it, (my
running tally of money that jan owed me was now at about 45$ + gas, time,
and any thinking i did, so.. about 6 grand). i found out it wasn't cashed!
so i had it stopped, and cashed it myself with the receipt.
So..... i got the 35$ back, but lost 10$ to get it back. Jan still
proclaimed on the phone that the links where legit, but was working on the
newer ones.

  Ok, ill wrap this up, i dont know if mike has 2 horns, a 666 on his
forehead, and wheres his moms panties on his head, or if he's locked in a
red chinese prison, with a laptop, but im not sure i care anymore. i am just
curious about what he would respond with if someone emailed him at
(warcraft@earthlink.net heheh) and asked him if he sold rt links, he would
probably send them that flyer and collect there money, but who knows, ok
thats it bye. 

p.s. nukeware sucks.


Brian Gray
(DeLorean on IRC on Effnet)
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