Re: LZ: A watch?


Re: LZ: A watch?

> > > Have anybody worked on a clock for TI-85 or where can I get it? 
> > > Is it possible at all to make a watch?
> >I'm working on a stopwatch program... but not one that would run all the
> >time.
> I once wrote a clock program in TI-BASIC (ooh!), which would compute the 
> seconds based on For( loops. I timed it on my own calc, but when I gave it
> to my friends, it wasn't very accurate. So this could be a problem, as
> everyones times could be different, ie Jane's may run faster than Bob's 
> because she may have more free RAM, or whatever.

The TI-BASIC stopwatch/clock is probibly the most "attempted" program in the 
history of calculators. What is so facinating about this function? No matter 
how precise you get the programming its still going to be self-defeating, 
because its not even worth turning your calculator ON for the kind of 
information you can get much more accurately by looking down at a $5 watch. As 
for the speed/battery delima, the closest thing I can think of (for ZShell) is 
a check of the current contrast, assuming that the person running the program 
can SEE their screen, as a check of battery power and speed.
