Re: LZ: A watch?


Re: LZ: A watch? wrote:
>      If anybody knows anything 'bout this stuff, say something man!


> My question would be this: a TI turns off after 5 mins of inactivity right?
> Well how is that regulated? by the battery level or by a 5 min timer that
> chek every five min if a key was pressed.  And is it possible to access that
> timer if it exists?

The APD is not always 5. mins, it depends on the battery power.
IN the ti85 is memro there is a word, which is used as a counter for
this function (i can not remember the adr). The counter is decreaed if
no key are pressed, so if no key is pressed it will eventually 
reach 0 if APD is needed. Some of the build in functions on the ti 
calls a function
on rom page one which checks the counter (the keyboard handler calls
this function), if the counter is 0 it will turn of the calculator.
The APD function can be turn of be stteing a bit in the system memory.
It is possible to acces the times if you are using assembly language,
just look at the adr in memory. If you are using TI Basic it is not
possible unless you do some hacking.

As you can see the APD counter is not more precise than any counter you
can make yourself.

Dines Justesen
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