Re: LZ: ROM calls


Re: LZ: ROM calls

Michael J Wyman wrote:
> I know that many people have sent messages to the list asking about ROM
> calls before, but I just want to know, does anybody know any of the basic
> ROM calls, like even the ones for printing text on the screen and
> clearing the LCD for ROM version 9.0?  I sometimes write programs just
> for my use for math or some other class, and it is sometimes faster to
> run them right from the CUSTOM menu (even by one keypress, I know it may
> seem stupid).  If anyone could tell me, it would be very much
> appreciated.  I think that the documents at TICALC.ORG only go up through
> ROM version 8.0!

I working on  new version of ti-rom, and i will include information for
as many
rom versions as possible. I have know gotten the adresses for rutines in
version 9.0, from some one on the list (i can not remember his name). 

If programs you are making do more than just write stuff to the screen,
will probably have a hard time writing them in asm. One of the problem
is we 
only know the adresses of the math function in rom version 3.0A.

The reason that the documents normally only goes up to version 8.0 is
that the
calcs from 3.0A to 8.0 are vry much a like and 9.0 and 10.0 is a lot

IF any one has more information which should be added to tirom/tiram
mail me.

Dines Justesen
Email: or
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