Re: LZ: Ti-H:RF Link for chatting.


Re: LZ: Ti-H:RF Link for chatting.

bdavis@Fair.Net wrote:
> >My solution would be a switch to exchange the frequencies on one of the
> >calculators, that would bring us to the first example. If anybody has a
> >better idea, please tell me so.
> That sounds just fine.  You could have a small toggle swith or whatever to
> change between "Channel" 1 or 2.

I dissagree.  While for now only 2 calcs can talk to each other you 
don't want 2 pairs of RF links conflicting with one anther.  You can't 
just have a calc 1/calc 2 switch.  You need to let the user decide the 
frequencies, just like you don't want 2 people on a network to have the 
same network username.

> >This link could of course only be used in pairs.

I dissagree here too.  Each link can be exactly the same if you let the 
user decide the frequencies.  Have 2 nobs on each link: one for 
recieving and one for transmiting.

> Why?  Why couldn't you have one transmitter and a million receievers.  As
> long as the frequencies match for sending and receieving shouldn't one box
> be able to talk to a bunch of boxes... kinda like the transmitter is the
> radio station and everyone else is the little radio in their car?  I am
> slightly electrical illiterate, but I don't see why only two people can chat.
> Ben

Wait a minute, this works fine if your using the calc as a reciever 
only.  But rairly does this ever occur.  Look at this chart.

           -------------------- Calc A ---------------------
           |          |           |            |           |
           |          |           |            |           |
           |          |           |            |           |
         Calc 1     Calc 2      Calc B      Calc 3      Calc 4

Calc A is sending and Calc B is the one supposed to be recieving.  Calcs 
1-4 are also recieving, this is fine.  But what happens when Calcs 1-4  
are sending, Calc A gets 4 different responses that it "thinks" are from 
calc B.  This would also make calcs 1-4 conflict with each other.  
Unless you have 2 recieving frequencies, there is no way of having more 
than two calcs linked unless......

You do what a modem does (I think) which is to with every data set sent 
out have a flag on the front that tells where its from.  With this, calc 
A would know which calc was sending.  This is a very good method for a 
number of reasons.  You can put as many calcs as you want on one 
frequency.  Since this is only one, you can make all links have a fixed 
frequency.  You can string 5 calcs together as easily as you can string 
2 calcs together.  The down sides to this is that the location flag 
takes up time and might get cluttered with other incoming data.  Also 
programs would have to be specially made to except multiple (more than 
two) data recievings.  This might be the better way to go though.

Eric B.
