Re: LZ: A watch? Check batteries!


Re: LZ: A watch? Check batteries!

On Sat, 02 Nov 1996 15:11:08 EST (John M Bishop)
>>the battery and take it into account.  Or, even find the amount of 
>>in the AAA batteries was calculated, take it into a account and use 
>>in the program to recalibrate the clock before it misses time.  In 
>>words, frequently test the batteries and at the same time, frequently
>>change the clock speed.  Just an idea to throw around!!  I hope to 
>>some feedback.  It seems hard but I don't have a lot of details.  
>>some thinking.
>*Phew* Touches of the ol' TRS-80 days where people made their computer 
>do anyhting.
>The 5 min. timer is probably just built into the ROM and is dependent 
>on the wait cycles (where the calc. is waiting for input), and is 
>probably not exactly 5 munutes.
>	- J. Bishop

It's about + or - 10 seconds away from five minutes.  BTW, the five
minute timer apparently doesn't work when you're in zshell, since I once
left Tetris running for 2 hours accidentally (took a huge chunk out of
the battery power :-) ).

Another wierd thing about the timer--If you're in the edit mode of a
TI-BASIC program and you turn the calc off with [2nd] [On], and then turn
the calc back on, it puts you at the home screen, but if the timer shuts
it down, when you power the calc back up, it will be right where you left
it in the program editor.

-|/|/esley McGrew
