Re: LZ: Teleconferece


Re: LZ: Teleconferece

At 11:50 PM 7/13/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Eric P. Anderson wrote:
>> >Well Please tell me what you think.
>> About these accelerated calcs, what is the clock speed on them?
>> I think that this is a venture worth pursuing, but it will be a difficult
>> task.  After all, timing is everything.
>> ************************************************************
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>well I accelerated mine. it was Very simple. but what si does id 2 - 3x 
>the clock speed of the calc. it is nice.
>AND YES YES YES YES this is a very big mile stone in TI Calc history if 
>we can build a virtual RF Network on a small piece of shit (there 
>actually great for a calc) computer with nothing but soem lines of code 
>and a small low power RF transciever!  I will do ANY thing in my power 
>to make this a reality ASAP but it will take alot of work adn people to 
>help put it togather.  do you know any other ASM coders ro programmers? 
>or ANY onw who would knwo about the transfer specs on TI's? 
>                           ----/\=Clegg=/\----
>                  "Everything under the sun is in tune,
>                   But the sun is eclipsed by the moon"
>                                      --Pink Floyd, DSOTM
>                    '96
dang man calm down, a few of us have been working on this for about 3 weeks
remember the tinet thread? if you are that excited about this get some
programmers together and come to #tinet where we hold our
meetings tuesday at about 10:00  jeez i wish i had gotten this good a
reception when i ask :) 
