Re: LZ: any one have the registered version of McMiks or Asteroids ?


Re: LZ: any one have the registered version of McMiks or Asteroids ?

Right! Like I told NTCHRIST already, $2 bucks wont even buy him a few
condoms. So, he should give his inflatable toys a rest tonight, and mail
in his money.

On Thu, 19 Dec 1996, A.K.A. TheWiz wrote:

> >I would like the registered versions of these two games and i dont want
> >to pay for some measly calc game . Its not that i dont want to pay its
> >the work involved . please send the programs if you have them . 
>   That's illegal.  Therefore _I_ won't send them to you, because I'm a
> programmer myself and can symphasize with these people - I'd be hurting
> myself if I let you get in the habit of getting things for free.  At any
> rate, I don't have the registered versions myself.
>                      /***********************************
>                      *           Daniel Knapp           *
>                      *       FeatherWate Software       *
>                      *     email:     *
>                      *                                  *
>                      *      Whose account this is,      *
>                      *         I think I know.          *
>                      * The sysop is in Berkely, though. *
>                      * She will not see me typing here, *
>                      *        To watch this Mac         *
>                      *          Refuse to go.           *
>                      ************************************
>                      *  Watch for a new, shorter sig -  *
>                      *          coming soon!            *
>                      ***********************************/
