LZ: Re: your mail


LZ: Re: your mail

what is NASR?

On Thu, 5 Dec 1996, Will Stokes wrote:

> In responce to the person who thought the title was too long, its not,
> that is not the prob. THe un-cut versio of the prog (which goes to a
> selectio scren with picture too) does not lock the calc. Unless you select
> to start the game and thus run nasr to draw background. Does anybody have
> any sugestions as to what I'm doing wrong with nASR? For that matter, has
> anybody else out there successfully used NASR? If you have, what am I
> doing wrong?
> 			Will Stokes
> ********************************************************************
> *                   Will Stokes		         (                 *
> *        wstokes@vertex.ucls.uchicago.edu      	 )  Comment of     *
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> *           The TI-85 Calculator Center		 (  Oxymoron:      *
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