LZ: programming q's


LZ: programming q's

I'm really coming along on my racing game. The sprite for the car should
be simple enough. I have three simple questions that many should be able
to answer. Any suggestions and help would be great!!

(a.) matrices. I want to built a 1 by 127 matrix. Ok, say I start out
witht eh first value say, 54, then put it into the martrix. Then i figure
out the second and so on values for the following secions in the matrix.
All values will be less then 63 so 127 bytes will be good right? Anyway,
to be a little mroe general, how do I do this? That is, set aside space
for this matrix (w hich is really a vector), put values into it, shift is
right or left, and take values out of it for manipulation and basic usage?

(b.) i've been trying to randomly trying to get either 0 or 1 by

ld a, r
and 1

but weird stuff happens when i put it all together. If anybody would like
to know more about that and how I can fix it it would be great.

(c.) for sprites, what are the x and y coordinates for the lower left
corner (or whatever corner is used)? That is do I put coordinates in b
and c for NASR WARP? I'm kinda confused.

Anyway, all the help so far has allowed me to built a pretty decent start
at what looks like a pretty cool game. Any help is much appreciated.
			Will Stokes
*                   Will Stokes		         (                 *
*        wstokes@vertex.ucls.uchicago.edu      	 )  Comment of     *
*      						 (  the times:     *
*              My Personal Homepage		 )                 *
*     http://www.uic.edu/~hhstokes/will.htm 	 (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
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*           The TI-85 Calculator Center		 (  Oxymoron:      *
* (the website I maintain and update very often) ) Power Macintosh *
*          http://www.uic.edu/~hhstokes/	 (                 *
*						 )                 *
