Re: LZ: Hide ZShell v1.0


Re: LZ: Hide ZShell v1.0

On Fri, 7 Jan 1994, Steve Wrobleski wrote:

> wrote:
> > 
> > ATTENTION! Here is our newest program for ZShell Hide ZShell v1.0. Hide
> > ZShell moves and hides ZShell's custom menu pointer so those pesky
> > teachers will think you don't have ZShell on your calculator but you
> > really do. Read the documentation that comes with Hide ZShell for more
> > information. Hide ZShell is available at Maximus Productions home page
> > at:
> > 
> > PCoMP
> > Visit Maximus Productions home page at:
> But then again, if they dont want ZShell, you could always write another 
> shell. (How much interest would there be for a shell that has the bare 
> minimum. It would be totally ZShell compatible, some of the extras would 
> be missing like it could only be run on one rom version. Of course there 
> would be a version of it for every rom, one backup for each rom. This 
> would be to save space. It might lack some of the extras of ZShell, like 
> most of the text and the title screen, but it would sure save memory..)
> --Steve
i would say go for it... who would complain about something that was
nothing less than zshell except for being a little smaller?

Andy Haninger                 
aka &y               
