Re: LZ: Startup and ZS4.5


Re: LZ: Startup and ZS4.5

Jordan Adema wrote:
> At 5:21 PM on 8/30/96,  greg wrote:
> > heh... then whats the teacher gonna think when it comes up witha password
> > prompt? Thats just gooing to make you look guilty right from the start.
> > Then she'll either take your calculator away or make you reset it or
> > something evil like that. Other than that, good idea. What could work
> > though, is if you just moved the location zhsell is in on the custom menu.
> > Like make it so you have to press custom, more, F2. I think there are
> > programs out there that do this, but not sure. check
> Gosh, where do all you guys go to school? It sounds like hell. On one of my
> teachers even knows about ZShell, and it's not like he's going to make us
> delete it! (Except before tests, tho)

Why does everyone think that Teachers don't like ZShell???

99 percent of ZShell programs are games, with the exception of a base
conversion prgoram and Organiser...
TI-BASIC programs are far more potent for cheating, because you can use
complex math routines, which you would need for a test, as opposed to
menu-text, grayscale and sound (a la ZShell).

>  ____________________________________
> /\                                   \
> \ \  Jordan Adema                O-   \       A student who changes the
>  \ \                  \         course of history is
>   \ \ \      probably taking an exam.
>    \ \___________________________________\
>     \/___________________________________/

; Max Mansour  // mail :
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; The Presidents ->
; HP OmniGo 100  ->
; ZShell         ->

