Re: LZ: Yet another question


Re: LZ: Yet another question

On 14 Jul 96 at 20:02, Carl Wang wrote:

> Hi! Remember the code I posted not long ago with the problems with the
> (HEALTH) thing?  Thanks to all who helped, that code now works.  Just
> wondering, is it possible to display HEALTH in menu text?  Thanks again

I ran into this exact problem when writing TriMounts.  I ended up 
writing my own routine to unpack hl into a temporary string, then used 
D_LM_STR to display it.  Here is the routine I used, You can take out 
the + and - bit if you don't need it.

;; This Routine Converts HL to a string at the location de

  push af
  push bc
  push hl
  ex de,hl
  ld a,'+'                           >This is used to determine +  or -
  rl d                                > If you don't need to display
  jr nc,BefConvLoop        > sign you can cut out all the
  ld a,'-'                            > text with these comments 
BefConvLoop:                 > by it.
  ld (hl),a                         >
  scf                                >
  ccf                                 >
  rr d                               >
  ex de,hl                       >
  cp '-'                             >
  jr nz, SkipAdjust          >
  push hl                         >
  pop bc                          >
  ld hl,32768                     >
  sbc hl,bc                       >
SkipAdjust:                     > 
  inc de                           > And remove 1 inc de statement
  inc de
  inc de
  inc de
  inc de
  ld b,5

  call UNPACK_HL
  add a,'0'
  ld (de),a
  dec de
  djnz ConvLoop
  pop hl
  pop bc
  pop af

For this routine to work you need to put the address of a 5 or 6 byte 
long variable into de, and the number to unpack in hl.  After it is 
done the variable will contain the value of hl in string format.  Here 
is an example.



ld hl,$0067
ld b,6                         > or 5 if you took out the sign checking
ld de,0
ld (CURSOR_X),de

Hope this is what you wanted!!

Josh Pieper 
