Re: LZ: Problem with code


Re: LZ: Problem with code

It seems to me that you have forgotten the indirection operator on some
of your HEALTH's.

ld hl,HEALTH

will always display the address of HEALTH, not the contents.
You should have code that looks like this.

ld hl,(HEALTH)

You've put the indirection operators in some places, but not all.
I've marked all the places this might be a problem.

On 14 Jul 96 at 18:21, Carl Wang wrote:

> Hi! Here's a program I'm having a lot of trouble with.  If you can help,
> please do, I'm eager to get this program out not long before school
> starts.  Thanks a lot!!  
>   _  _  /--
>  / \/ \/
> -======   -formerly
>  || ||
> ;Here's my program.  It doesn't seem to work.  The comments refer to what
> ;I'm _TRYING_ to do or what it supposed to do.
> #include "TI-85.H"
> .org 0
> .db "Health dec",0
> HEALTH = $80DF                  ;Location of HEALTH value
>         LD A,4
>         OUT (5),A
>         LD A,00                 ;set the value of HEALTH to 00
>         LD (HEALTH),A
> KEY1:
>         CALL GET_KEY            ;If you press enter, it goes to the main
>         CP $9                   ;program section, press exit to exit
>         JUMP_Z(LOSE)
>         CP $37
>         RET Z
>         JR KEY1
>         LD BC,$0101             ;This is supposed to show the value of
>         LD ($800C),BC           ;HEALTH but it doesn't want to.
>         LD HL,HEALTH            ;It says 32991 every time.
                      ^^^^^^  - here
>         ROM_CALL(D_HL_DECI)
>         LD A,HEALTH             ;I'm trying to find the value of HEALTH and
                    ^^^^^^^ - here
>         CP 00                   ;go to the place where the apropriate
> actions
>         JUMP_NZ(LOSE0)          ;are performed.  There are 5 levels for HEALH
>         LD A,HEALTH             ;(there should be 5 levels).  They should
                    ^^^^^^  - here
> be
>         CP 01                   ;00-no damage, 01-damaged once,
> 02-damaged 
>         JUMP_Z(LOSE1)           ;twice, etc.  05 should mean dead.  Here
> the
>         LD A,HEALTH             ;values being compared are supposed to be
                    ^^^^^^ - here
> the
>         CP 02                   ;current value for HEALTH.  They will be
> inc
>         JUMP_Z(LOSE2)           ;later in the program.  What's wrong now is 
>         LD A,HEALTH             ;that it will never get to LOSE1 or LOSE2,
                    ^^^^^^ - here
>         CP 03                   ;always goes to LOSE0
>         JUMP_Z(LOSE3)
>         LD A,HEALTH
                    ^^^^^^ - here
>         CP 04
>         JUMP_Z(DEAD)		;this label is in the real program,
> but it's 				;kinda long so I didn't want to
> put it in here
> LOSE0:
>         LD A,1                  ;This is where HEALTH should be incremented
>         LD (HEALTH),A
                 ^^^^^^^ - This is correct! :)
>         LD B,96
> LOSE0A:                         ;INC HORIZONTAL
>         INC B                   ;This part draws the damage indication.
>         LD A,B                  ;It draws a line from (97,8) to (97,12)
>         CP 101                  ;first then 97 becomes 98 and the same
> thing
>         JUMP_Z(START)           ;happens.  This part works.
>         LD C,7
> LOSE0B:                          ;INC VERT
>         CALL_(DRAWPIXEL)         ;Here's where the actual drawing occurs.
>         INC C			;DRAWPIXEL is Mangus's routine.
>         LD A,C
>         CP 12
>         JUMP_Z(LOSE0A)
>         JUMP_(LOSE0B)
> LOSE1:                          ;It won't get here!!!
>         LD A,2
>         LD (HEALTH),A
                 ^^^^^^^ - This is correct also!
>         LD B,100
> LOSE1A:                 ;INC HORIZONTAL
>         INC B
>         LD A,B
>         CP 105
>         JUMP_Z(START)
>         LD C,8
> LOSE1B:                 ;INC VERT
>         CALL_(DRAWPIXEL)
>         INC C
>         LD A,C
>         CP 12
>         JUMP_Z(LOSE1A)
>         JUMP_(LOSE1B)
> ;...[snip] all this section is the same as LOSE0 with different b and
> ;values.  It goes from LOSE2 to LOSE3.  There's also a bunch of other
> things I ;didn't feel like including here for the sake of size.
> .end
